AIうぉ--!(ai-wo-katsuyo-shitai !)



論文『Attention Is All You Need』のScaled Dot-Product Attentionについて

論文『Attention Is All You Need』のScaled Dot-Product Attentionの説明部分 引用 The two most commonly used attention functions are additive attention [2], and dot-product (multiplicative) attention. Dot-product attention is identical to our…

論文『Attention in natural language processing』は、Transformerとかを理解するためには、もっと、読まれてもいいのでは?

論文『Attention in natural language processing』 Galassi, Andrea, Marco Lippi, and Paolo Torroni. "Attention in natural language processing." IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 32.10 (2020): 4291-4308. https://arxiv.…