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ChatGPT May 24 Version

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Please create six questions with at least two questions with "were to" as the answer, similar to the following English grammar selection questions with the characteristic usage of "were to". The questions should be TOEIC-like, with the missing word in the sentence being selected from a list of choices. Also, please indicate the correct answer for each question.

If we were to ignore too many calories, what are some good food recommendations?


Question 1:
If she ____________ the meeting, who would take her place?
a) were to cancel
b) cancels
c) would cancel
d) canceled

Correct answer: a) were to cancel

Question 2:
If you ____________ early, please wait in the lobby.
a) were to arrive
b) arrives
c) will arrive
d) arrived

Correct answer: a) were to arrive

Question 3:
If they ____________ the project, it would be a huge success.
a) were to complete
b) completes
c) would complete
d) completed

Correct answer: a) were to complete

Question 4:
If he ____________ the job offer, what would be his starting salary?
a) were to accept
b) accepts
c) would accept
d) accepted

Correct answer: a) were to accept

Question 5:
If we ____________ the deadline, there will be severe consequences.
a) were to miss
b) misses
c) would miss
d) missed

Correct answer: a) were to miss

Question 6:
If I ____________ the lottery, I would travel the world.
a) were to win
b) wins
c) would win
d) won

Correct answer: a) were to win


以下の、"wrere to"の使い方に特徴のある英文と同じような英文法の選択問題を、回答が、"were"となる問題を、2題以上入れて、6題つくって下さい。 TOEICのような問題で、文の中で、抜けた単語を選択肢から選ぶ形式の問題にして下さい。また、個々の問題の正解も示して下さい。

If we were to ignore too many calories, what are some good food recommendations?

Question 1:
If she ____________ the team, who would take her place?
a) were
b) is
c) was
d) be

Correct answer: a) were

Question 2:
If he ____________ in my shoes, he would understand the difficulty.
a) were
b) is
c) was
d) be

Correct answer: a) were

Question 3:
If they ____________ on time, the event would have been a success.
a) were
b) are
c) was
d) be

Correct answer: a) were

Question 4:
If we ____________ more prepared, the outcome might have been different.
a) were
b) are
c) was
d) be

Correct answer: a) were

Question 5:
If you ____________ the chance, would you take it?
a) were
b) are
c) was
d) be

Correct answer: a) were

Question 6:
If I ____________ to choose, I would go for the blue one.
a) were
b) am
c) was
d) be

Correct answer: a) were
