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Explain which items (classification codes) in the python pylint or flake8 checklist can be ignored and why they can be ignored. Please list the items in order of degree of negligence. Please list at least 60 items. Please be careful not to duplicate items.

As an AI language model, I can provide you with a list of items from the Python Pylint and Flake8 checklists that are often considered less critical and can be ignored in certain situations. However, it's important to note that the degree of negligence may vary depending on the specific context and requirements of your codebase. Here are 60 items, ordered by a general perception of negligence:

C0103: Invalid name (too short) - Ignorable if a different naming convention is used.
C0111: Missing function/docstring - Can be ignored if the code is internal or not meant for external use.
C0326: Bad line break - Ignorable if readability is not significantly affected.
W0611: Unused import - Can be ignored if imports are used for future development or debugging purposes.
W0613: Unused argument - Ignorable if arguments are placeholders for future functionality.
C0411: Wrong import order - Ignorable if the import order does not affect code functionality.
R0903: Too few public methods - Ignorable if a class is intentionally designed to have few public methods.
R0913: Too many arguments - Can be ignored if the arguments are necessary for the specific use case.
R0201: Method could be a function - Ignorable if the method needs access to the instance state.
C0412: Imports not grouped correctly - Can be ignored if the import grouping does not impact readability.
C0301: Line too long - Ignorable if a longer line is necessary for readability or other constraints.
W0612: Unused variable - Can be ignored if variables are placeholders for future functionality.
W0621: Redefining name from outer scope - Ignorable if shadowing variables is intentional and necessary.
C0330: Wrong continued indentation - Ignorable if the code remains readable and aligned correctly.
C0102: Blacklisted name - Can be ignored if the blacklisted name is used for a valid reason.
W0640: Cell variable used before assignment - Ignorable if the usage is intended and correct.
C0325: Unnecessary parens after 'if' keyword - Can be ignored if the parentheses increase readability.
C0330: Wrong continued indentation - Ignorable if the code remains readable and aligned correctly.
C0321: More than one statement on a single line - Ignorable if readability is not significantly affected.
R1710: Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should - Ignorable if it doesn't affect the functionality or readability.
W0622: Redefining built-in - Ignorable if the redefinition is necessary and does not introduce confusion.
C0413: Import "from module import " used - Ignorable if wildcard imports are necessary in the specific context.
C0302: Too many lines in module - Can be ignored if the module is large but logically organized.
W0107: Unnecessary pass statement - Ignorable if the pass statement is used as a placeholder for future code.
R0915: Too many statements in function - Ignorable if the complexity is necessary for the functionality.
R1702: Too many nested blocks - Can be ignored if the nesting is necessary for the specific logic.
W0623: Redefining name from outer scope (attribute) - Ignorable if the shadowing is intentional and correct.
C0410: Multiple imports on one line - Ignorable if it doesn't affect readability or logical grouping.
C0203: Class method should have "cls" as first parameter - Ignorable if the class method doesn't require access to the class.
C0303: Trailing whitespace - Ignorable if the trailing whitespace does not affect code functionality.
W0404: Reimported - Ignorable if the reimport is intentional or necessary in the specific context.
W0311: Bad indentation - Ignorable if the indentation error does not affect code execution.
R0912: Too many branches - Ignorable if the branching is necessary for the specific logic.
C0114: Missing module/docstring - Can be ignored if the module is not meant for external use.
C0123: Missing trailing comma - Ignorable if the trailing comma does not affect the code execution.
W0312: Found indentation with a tab instead of spaces - Ignorable if the codebase consistently uses tabs for indentation.
C0414: Import resolves to its containing module - Ignorable if the import statement is valid in the specific context.
C0103: Invalid name (mixed-case) - Can be ignored if a different naming convention is used.
C0415: Importing from a non-package module - Ignorable if the import is valid in the specific context.
R0914: Too many local variables - Ignorable if the variables are necessary for the specific use case.
C0121: Missing parentheses around arithmetic in a default value - Ignorable if the default value is not affected by the parentheses.
W0212: Access to a protected member - Ignorable if the access is necessary for the specific use case.
W0703: Catching too general exception - Ignorable if a general exception is intended for error handling.
W0620: Shadowing built-in - Can be ignored if the shadowing is intentional and does not cause confusion.
W0702: No exception type(s) specified - Ignorable if the exception type is not critical for the error handling logic.
C0330: Wrong continued indentation - Ignorable if the code remains readable and aligned correctly.
C0411: Standard import "import x" should be placed before "from x import y" - Ignorable if import order does not affect code functionality.
C0112: Empty docstring - Can be ignored if the method does not require additional explanation.
R0205: Class method should have "self" as the first parameter - Ignorable if the class method does not require access to the instance state.
C0103: Invalid name (upper-case constant) - Ignorable if the constant follows a different naming convention.
C0202: Class method should have "self" as first argument - Ignorable if the class method does not require access to the instance state.
W0223: Method is abstract in an abstract class but not overridden - Ignorable if the abstract method is intentionally not overridden.
C0413: Import "from module import
" used - Ignorable if wildcard imports are necessary in the specific context.
R1703: Simplifiable if statement - Ignorable if the if statement is intentionally kept for clarity or future modifications.
C0305: Trailing newlines - Ignorable if the trailing newlines do not affect code functionality.
C0324: Comma not followed by a space - Ignorable if the lack of space after comma does not affect readability.
R0904: Too many public methods - Ignorable if a class is intentionally designed to have many public methods.
W0406: Module import itself - Ignorable if the self-import is necessary in the specific context.
C0412: Imports not grouped correctly - Ignorable if the import grouping does not impact readability.
C0304: Final newline missing - Ignorable if the final newline does not affect code functionality.
Please note that the significance and suitability of ignoring these items can vary depending on your specific coding standards and project requirements. It's important to carefully consider the potential impact before deciding to ignore any code quality warning or suggestion.




Explain which items (classification codes) in the python pylint or flake8 checklist can be ignored and why they can be ignored. Please list the items in order of degree of negligence. Please list at least 60 items. Please be careful not to duplicate items.


Here is a list of items from the Python Pylint and Flake8 checklists that can typically be ignored, listed in order of the degree of negligence:

E402 - "module level import not at top of file": Ignorable if the import statement is needed for conditional imports or dynamic module loading.
W503 - "line break before binary operator": Ignorable if there's a line break before the operator for readability purposes.
E501 - "line too long": Ignorable if breaking the line would harm readability or if the line contains data that shouldn't be split.
C0111 - "missing function docstring": Ignorable if the function is self-explanatory or not part of a public API.
C0103 - "invalid name": Ignorable if the naming convention is not applicable or if there's a good reason to deviate from it.
C0301 - "line too long": Ignorable if breaking the line would harm readability or if the line contains data that shouldn't be split.
W504 - "line break after binary operator": Ignorable if there's a line break after the operator for readability purposes.
R0201 - "method could be a function": Ignorable if the method uses the instance or class variables.
R0903 - "too few public methods": Ignorable if the class is intended to be used as a data container or if it's an abstract base class.
W605 - "invalid escape sequence": Ignorable if the escape sequence is intentionally used for non-standard purposes.
C0412 - "ungrouped import": Ignorable if the imports are logically grouped and ordered.
W291 - "trailing whitespace": Ignorable if the whitespace doesn't affect the code's functionality or readability.
C0411 - "wrong import order": Ignorable if the imports are logically grouped and ordered.
W292 - "no newline at end of file": Ignorable if the absence of a newline doesn't affect the code's functionality or readability.
C0330 - "bad continuation": Ignorable if the continuation style is consistent within the project.
C0321 - "multiple statements on one line": Ignorable if the multiple statements are short and readable.
E303 - "too many blank lines": Ignorable if the blank lines are used to improve code readability.
R1702 - "too many nested blocks": Ignorable if the nested blocks are necessary for the code's logic.
E266 - "too many leading '#' for block comment": Ignorable if the number of leading '#' doesn't affect code readability.
C0325 - "unnecessary parens": Ignorable if the parentheses are used for clarity or to emphasize precedence.
C0303 - "trailing whitespace": Ignorable if the whitespace doesn't affect the code's functionality or readability.
W293 - "blank line contains whitespace": Ignorable if the whitespace doesn't affect the code's functionality or readability.
W391 - "blank line at end of file": Ignorable if the blank line at the end doesn't affect code functionality or readability.
C0209 - "bad indentation": Ignorable if the indentation style is consistent within the project.
C0413 - "wrong hanging indentation": Ignorable if the hanging indentation style is consistent within the project.
R0914 - "too many local variables": Ignorable if the number of local variables is necessary for the code's logic.
C0112 - "empty docstring": Ignorable if the function or class doesn't require additional explanation.
R1705 - "no return in function with yield": Ignorable if the function is a generator and doesn't require a return statement.
W291 - "trailing whitespace": Ignorable if the whitespace doesn't affect the code's functionality or readability.
C0326 - "bad-whitespace": Ignorable if the whitespace doesn't affect the code's functionality or readability.
C0410 - "multiple imports on one line": Ignorable if the multiple imports on one line don't affect readability.
E731 - "do not assign a lambda expression, use a def": Ignorable if using a lambda expression is more readable or concise.
W391 - "blank line at end of file": Ignorable if the blank line at the end doesn't affect code functionality or readability.
C0304 - "missing final newline": Ignorable if the absence of a newline doesn't affect the code's functionality or readability.
C0322 - "operator not preceded by a space": Ignorable if the lack of space doesn't harm readability.
C0208 - "invalid continuation line": Ignorable if the continuation line is used for readability.
R0915 - "too many statements": Ignorable if the number of statements is necessary for the code's logic.
R0902 - "too many instance attributes": Ignorable if the number of attributes is necessary for the class's purpose.
C0414 - "wrong import order": Ignorable if the imports are logically grouped and ordered.
C0415 - "imported but unused": Ignorable if the import is intentionally left for future use or as a dependency.
C0414 - "wrong import order": Ignorable if the imports are logically grouped and ordered.
R1704 - "consider using enumerate": Ignorable if not using enumerate is intentional or more readable.
C0410 - "multiple imports on one line": Ignorable if the multiple imports on one line don't affect readability.
E262 - "inline comment should start with '# '": Ignorable if the inline comment style is consistent within the project.
C0323 - "operator not followed by a space": Ignorable if the lack of space doesn't harm readability.
W503 - "line break before binary operator": Ignorable if there's a line break before the operator for readability purposes.
C0112 - "empty docstring": Ignorable if the function or class doesn't require additional explanation.
R0911 - "too many return statements": Ignorable if the number of return statements is necessary for the code's logic.
W391 - "blank line at end of file": Ignorable if the blank line at the end doesn't affect code functionality or readability.
C0415 - "imported but unused": Ignorable if the import is intentionally left for future use or as a dependency.
R0913 - "too many arguments": Ignorable if the number of arguments is necessary for the function's purpose.
C0324 - "comparisons to None should be 'if cond is None': Ignorable if the comparison style is consistent within the project.
R0912 - "too many branches": Ignorable if the number of branches is necessary for the code's logic.
R1703 - "simplify chained comparison": Ignorable if the chained comparison is more readable as is.
W291 - "trailing whitespace": Ignorable if the whitespace doesn't affect the code's functionality or readability.
R1701 - "consider using isinstance(): Ignorable if not using isinstance() is intentional or more readable.
C0102 - "blacklisted name": Ignorable if the blacklisted name is required by the project's conventions or specific requirements.
E265 - "block comment should start with '# '": Ignorable if the block comment style is consistent within the project.
Please note that the decision to ignore these warnings should be made thoughtfully and based on the specific context of your project. Some warnings indicate potential issues or best practices that might be worth addressing, especially in larger codebases or projects with multiple contributors.


  • 貼り込み都合で番号が消えてますが。。。58個しかありません。
  • W291とか普通に重複しています。
  • C0415 - "imported but unused"は、間違いです。正しくは、import-outside-toplevel / C0415 です。




Explain which items (classification codes) in the python pylint or flake8 checklist can be ignored and why they can be ignored. Please list the items in order of degree of negligence. Please list at least 5 items. Please be careful not to duplicate items.


When using code analysis tools like pylint or flake8 in Python, they provide a set of classification codes to identify potential issues or violations of coding standards. However, not all of these codes need immediate attention, as some can be ignored under certain circumstances. Here are five commonly ignored classification codes, listed in order of decreasing importance or degree of negligence:

W0613 - Unused argument: This code is generated when a function or method has an unused argument. It can be ignored if the argument is intentionally left unused but required due to inheritance or a common interface.

W0612 - Unused variable: This code is raised when a variable is defined but not used. It can be ignored if the variable is intentionally kept for debugging purposes or if it's part of an incomplete or work-in-progress code.

C0116 - Missing function or method docstring: This code indicates that a docstring (a documentation string) is missing for a function or method. It can be ignored if the function is a private or internal implementation detail with no intended external use.

W0404 - Reimport * from module: This code is triggered when a module imports all symbols using the asterisk (*) notation. It can be ignored if the codebase is designed to use this style intentionally or if it's a legacy codebase where modifying imports is not feasible.

C0103 - Invalid name: This code is reported when a variable, function, or module name does not conform to the naming conventions. It can be ignored if the naming convention is not applicable or if there is a specific reason to deviate from the standard (e.g., following a different style guide).

It's important to note that these codes can be ignored selectively and should not be ignored indiscriminately. Ignoring them without a valid reason may lead to degraded code quality and maintainability. Always use your discretion and ensure that the reasons for ignoring these codes are well-documented and understood by the development team.




Explain which items (classification codes) in the python pylint or flake8 checklist can be ignored and why they can be ignored. Please list the items in order of degree of negligence. Please list at least 5 items. Please be careful not to duplicate items.


Both Pylint and Flake8 are popular code analysis tools in Python. While they provide valuable insights into code quality and potential issues, not all reported items need to be addressed in every codebase. Here are five items from the checklists of pylint and flake8 that can be ignored, listed in order of decreasing importance:

"C0111: Missing module, class, method docstring"
This warning indicates missing docstrings for modules, classes, or methods. While adding docstrings is considered a good practice for documenting code, there might be cases where the code is self-explanatory, or the project has a specific style guide that doesn't enforce docstrings everywhere.

"C0103: Invalid name"
This warning flags naming conventions that don't adhere to the specified style guide. However, codebases might have their own naming conventions or follow a different style guide. Ignoring this warning allows developers to use naming conventions that are consistent with the project or team's preferences.

"W0611: Unused import"
This warning points out imported modules or packages that are not used within the code. While removing unused imports helps keep the codebase clean, certain imports might be necessary for future development or external integrations. Ignoring this warning is acceptable in such cases.

"W0622: Redefining built-in"
This warning occurs when a variable or function is named the same as a built-in Python function or module. Although it's generally recommended to avoid shadowing built-in names, there may be cases where redefining them is intentional and doesn't cause any conflicts or confusion.

"E0401: Import error"
This error highlights import statements that failed because the imported module couldn't be found. While import errors should ideally be resolved, there might be cases where the code is conditionally executed or relies on optional dependencies. In such cases, it may be acceptable to ignore this error.

Remember that the decision to ignore specific warnings or errors should be made with careful consideration, taking into account the project's requirements, coding standards, and maintainability. It's recommended to document the reasons for ignoring certain items to ensure transparency within the development team.